Take your matriarch over to meet all of them.make sure you do friendly type or whichever introduction so your sim has them in their phone.this way they can be called to visit your lot after your baby is born, so you can get working on the next.Ahead of The Sims 4: Growing Togetherlaunching on PC and consoles, EA and Maxis released a major 3GB base game update that implemented a reimagined ‘infant’ life stage into everyday gameplay.

Add households of sims to be the other parent to other houses (use the free realestate cheat to place them.they're not your sim so it's fine).If you have simoleons to spare, hire a caterer if needed to get food in your fridge fast.If you have spare kids who don't have projects, they can help too. On nights your kids/teens have projects to do, have them call and invite their other parent over and have your kid/teen ask them to help with it.They sleep more through the night if they're lower levels of energy, meaning more energy for your matriarch. if it's in the middle of the night, get your infant's energy into the mid yellow's, press the bladder resolution so they use their diaper, then wake your matriarch to come feed and change diaper.or if high enough parenting, use super efficient infant.Even before your sim has kids them read it so they can get a jump start on parenting skill. And invest in the first parenting book on day 1.Likewise, the grapes (or apples, or pears, etc) in the toddler inventory. Keep the green peppers in your matriarch's inventory and eat them as needed to prevent starving or for a quick fix when you need to deal with infants or toddlers. I would suggest starting your sim matriarch off first by gardening something like green peppers and a fruit like grapes.stock pile them.Don't bother with cribs.just use the Way-to-Play mat because they can sleep on it, when they wake they can play or look at the toys, then they can sleep again.If you have the vampire game pack, get your kids reading up on vampire stuff, buy all the books as you can, have them use this skill as their skill needing to get to level 4 for an A in high levels pretty quick compared to others.If you can get them to rolling over on their own to do tummy time on their own, you'll get through it quicker.I think saying getting 3 milestones in the fine motor, gross motor, and social would be sufficient. If you have one adult child living in the house all the time, like, move out the previous as soon as another ages up to adult.you might be able to get to that point, especially when the other kids are in school, and if you have the toddler set on potty training level 2 (just make sure not to let their social get too low). It is definitely NOT possible to deal with the foods because it's not likely you'll reach sitting up milestone before it's close to their birthday. If you don’t have growing together after 3-4 days is about when I usually hit 8 milestones so you could just do it by day. I know this is specific to growing together but it’s working for me. I personally am either going to change toddlers to level 3 in 3 skills rather than all skills, or more likely just age the infants up when they can roll over.ĢND UPDATE: I am aging infants up when they have 8 milestones total. UPDATE: with growing together the babies cannot even sit in the high chair until they are about ti age up so aging them up on a food based system is impractical. Thanks for any input, questions or suggestions! (Sorry if this was already answered somewhere, I couldn’t find anything on it) Would this weekly stay not be allowed in a 100 baby challenge? In previous 100 baby challenge rules the matriarch could never invite someone over to help raise the kids.

I also know Growing Together introduces weekly guest stays. But that also limits the rules to people with the Growing Together pack. I plan on starting the challenge already having the Growing Together pack, and maybe achieving a certain amount of milestones would qualify an infant for an age up. Like babies it’s when you get notified that it’s their birthday, and toddlers have to reach level 3 in all skills. I was trying to think of what rules to add that would allow you to age your infant up. So obviously infants are going to make the 100 baby challenge much harder, but it’s my favorite challenge and I want to start again soon.